My TTC Journey

Having your own baby is one of the best feelings in the world! DH and I got married on November 18, 2017 and we started the baby-making process since January 2018.

I was in high school when we were taught how a premarital sexual activity can lead to unwanted pregnancies. And that was also the time when I saw how most of my fellow teenagers got pregnant at a young age just because they did it ONCE.

Believing that I could also get pregnant by just doing it once, nothing came to my mind for the prenatal preparations such as visiting an OB-Gyne, taking prenatal vitamins, getting healthy, etc. until I experienced having a hard time conceiving naturally.

Our major challenge here is me and DH are in a long distance relationship (LDR). I'm working at my hometown while DH is working at his. We're a five-hour ride away from each other and the only way we could be together are holidays and weekends. So sad, really.

And so I decided to go back to my old way of detouring from the real world, blogging. Here's a separate page for my TTC journey so that I could organize my step-by-step quest to having our FIRST BABY. 👶

Some item has a corresponding link for more information. Baby dust to all mommy-wannabies! 😇

1. January 2018 - Our first move for conception. DH and I booked for a one-night stay in a grand hotel for the honeymoon. 😁 (And because we weren't able to have our own honeymoon after the wedding due to AF 🤭) The baby-making plan was halted in the next few months when DH got into a motorcycle accident, resulting in a fractured left arm.

2. May 2018 - I had my first OB visit. She advised me to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound (TVS). The diagnosis revealed that I have a unilocular cyst near my right ovary. I was advised to have my second TVS during the third or fourth day of my menstruation. I asked my OB if I can have a pap smear test but because I had a mild vaginal yeast that time, she postponed it and recommended me to take antibiotics first.

3. September 2018 - This is the only time I got the chance to go back to my OB for another round of TVS due to my busy schedule. Another different diagnosis was found: I have polycystic ovaries and a the previously-believed as unilocular cyst in my right ovary was eventually considered as paratubal cyst.

4. October 2018 - DH underwent a fertility check-up.

5. November 2018 - I had my first HSG test.

6. 1st half of December 2018 - I'm 11 days delayed after my HSG test.

7. 2nd half of December 2018 - I got my first ever positive pregnancy test on my cycle day 45.

8. January 2, 2019 - My first pregnancy ultrasound for the new year.

9. January 10, 2019 - No gestational sac was found on my 8th-week and 5th-day pregnancy.

10. January 17, 2019 - My pregnancy has been confirmed to be ectopic.

11. March - July 2019 - We prepared ourselves for the upcoming IVF procedure.

12. August 2019 - We had the first round of our first IVF cycle.

To be continued. . .


  1. Hi,do u have the continuation of your journey po?thanks,I read your story,

  2. Hello Miss. Where were you on your pregnancy journey now? Are you okay? Are you and your husband okay? We somehow have similar experience, only that I first experience the ectopic pregnancy and now on my journey to HSG test. Kinda frustrating a little bit but I still have hope. Hope to hear the continuation of your story. It's relatable.

  3. hello po, i read your story. can i ask if there's a continuation of your journey po. We're also in our TTC journey now and Im scheduled for HSG test after 3 months of not conceiving.


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