After My HSG Test: The Final Countdown

It's the first week of my three-week leave from work and the feeling of holidays hasn't sunk yet. I still work sometimes, especially if there are urgent tasks. Nevertheless, finally, DH and I are living together now, temporarily.

What my Pink Pad app is telling me as of today.
All I thought this is the right time. I had my HSG test done last November, just wait for my Aunt Flo to come, take the fertility pills, then baby dance during my fertile week. Until, some situations didn't go as I planned. *sigh

I should have my Aunt Flo since last week but until now, it's not yet showing up. I'm now at my cycle day 40. I'm 11 days delayed today and I'm not sure the reason why. I've read on digital forums that some women got delayed when they had their HSG tests, while some got pregnant easily on the same cycle they had their tests done.

How I wish, I belong to that latter group of women. How I wish, this is the right time that I've been waiting for so long. How I wish, this is the most precious Christmas gift for us.

I'll wait until the Christmas day and if AF still doesn't show up, I'll decide to take a PT. Pregnancy symptoms are slowly occurring but I don't want to get deceived again by my imbalanced hormones. I've experienced this before and just got devastated after. So, no to presumptions as of now.

I'll post again what will happen next.

If you want to know more about our TTC journey, here's the link.


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