Second ultrasound: Ectopic pregnancy or late implantation?

Yesterday, DH and I went back to my OB for our follow-up checkup. He was trying to make me laugh by asking what would he'll wear for the day just so our little bunny would show up. That joke hit me hard. I can sense how he really anticipates seeing our baby.

Going to the town where the clinic is located is about a 30 to 40-minute drive away from DH's home. It's a bit far but as if I have a choice. At least, someone can drive for me.

We arrived around 11 but we got catered by past 1PM. But of course, we had our lunch during the waiting time (which I had my favorite viand—sweet and sour fish! 😍). Upon our return to the clinic, five minutes passed and the secretary called my name. It was another moment of truth!

I lay down and my OB started inserting her TVS magic wand. Aaaaaaaaaaaand! No sac was still visible except for my thick endometrium in my 8th week and 5th day. 😪 While she was searching for possible locations, we found something in my left tube. She wasn't sure what it was but there was a possibility that it was the gestational sac. When she mentioned the left tube, one thing came out to my mind—it can be an ectopic pregnancy. My inner self was already crying even though nothing was concluded yet. 😭

My OB advised me for a month of bed rest, that is until the month of February. Goodness, gracious! I thought everything will be going well but here I am again, another chapter of agony. I applied for sick leave at my work and thank God, my boss and workmates are supporting me. We did a pregnancy test again and it was still positive. We need to go back after a week for monitoring. She also thinks it might be just a late implantation 🤞 so we don't need to rush for a dilation and curettage (raspa).

We proceeded to the pharmacy store to buy my antibiotics (for UTI) and another batch of Duphaston and Duvadilan. While DH was inside the store and I was waiting inside the car, I was about to burst my tears. And poooooof! I cried heavily like a child. 😭 I was asking God that all we want is to have a baby but why like this? Why do I need to suffer? What is really His purpose for this? And then DH arrived and asked me what happen. He wanted me to look at the positive side. Everything has the right time. Then I stopped crying.

At home, he kissed and hugged me. I must still be grateful because I have a husband who comforted me and that means I'm not alone in this journey. I texted my Mom and Dad. Mom told me to pray harder and talk to our baby. DH's Mom was also worried. That's it, all we can do for now is WAIT.

I started feeling nauseous, tired, and so much back pain. I also got chills sometimes. And my breasts are getting sorer (ouch!). The abdominal cramps are lesser nowadays compared to my 5th and 6th weeks. I just tried to calm and relax myself by listening to my favorite songs on Spotify. 

For my full TTC journey stories, you can read them here.


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