DH's first fertility check-up at Fertility Care Center Davao

For almost a year of not conceiving, I already firmed up my mind to ask my OB if DH and I can undergo a fertility check-up already.

The fertility check-up is a very important part of the baby-making process for couples who are not able to conceive for their first year of trying.

Among the tests which help detect the fertility problem for men is the semen analysis while for women are transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) and hysterosalpingogram (HSG).

Semen analysis test

My OB gave us a slip—recommending DH to take a semen analysis. I called the Fertility Care Center Davao first to make a schedule. It is located beside the Brokenshire Hospital at Madapo Hills. They are open from Monday to Friday (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM) and Saturday (8:00 AM - 12:00 NN). I made a schedule for a Saturday appointment, at 8:00 AM. We were advised to be at the venue 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time for some preparations. The semen analysis costs Php 950.

During the test day, we were given a choice if I want to join DH during the semen extraction. And of course to show off my support, uhm, yeah, I joined him during the test. 🤭

The semen extraction is done in a private room, through ejaculation. The semen is placed in an empty bottle. Once done, the sample will be given to the staff through a covered small window inside the room. The test took us around 10-15 minutes.

We were told to go back after two hours for the results. Upon seeing the results, how lucky my hubby was for having 200million of sperm count, greater than the minimum needed amount of 20million. Although there were some abnormal sperm cells (mild asthenoteratozoospermia) found but OB advised DH to exercise, take vitamins, and have a healthy diet.

Men are fortunate since they can regenerate their sperm cells every three months. They could even produce semen until they die. While us, women, our precious eggs have time limits so waiting for the "right timing" is not always applicable. We should do something as much as possible before it's too late.

DH is currently taking fish oil supplement (for sperm quality), Conzace (as it has Zinc which is very helpful for the sperm quality), and Calcium for his fractured bones.

You may want to know more about our TTC journey here.


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