Preparations before our IVF procedure

DH and I have finally decided to have our in-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure this coming August! 😍 I just have to wait for a few more days before my menstruation for next month would start. But of course, prior to having this procedure, we have prepared ourselves for a higher chance of success.

Here are some of the things we are doing now:

1. Vitamins 🥛
For me - I take prenatal vitamins, folic acid 5 mg, vitamin C 500 mg, and fish oil with DHA and EPA
For DH - Multivitamins with a higher dosage of Zinc

2. Various laboratory tests 💉
For me - I took a pap smear and gram stain tests to check for abnormalities and the possible presence of cancer cells. Thank God everything was normal.
For DH - Hubby underwent tests for hepatitis, HIV, and VDRL. All were negative.

3. Eat right and maintain weight 🍎
We have to avoid unhealthy food such as processed and fast food. So, no more french fries, cheeseburger, and pizzas for now. I also tried lessening my sweet and meat intake to ensure my blood sugar and cholesterol levels are normal. DH also stopped drinking alcoholic drinks for healthier sperm cells.

4. Exercise every week 💪
We do cardio twice to thrice a week. Since I have office work, I spend most of my time seating in front of the laptop and that is not a very good habit. My back and joints started to ache so I hit the gym by running on a treadmill for 30 minutes and doing some light weightlifting for another 30 minutes. No pain, no gain! 

5. Continue self-care 😎
I still continue to do the self-care challenge where each day, I treat myself for food or valuable thing, or do something new and different from my everyday routine. I enjoyed food tripping sometimes or having a good full body massage.

We have to make ourselves prepared so that we could make it right the first time. These things are very simple, but, we all know that these are not that easy to maintain. The kind of attitude we're having affects the kind of result that would happen. 

I am very positive and hopeful that everything will be fine and successful. Baby dust to us and to everyone! 

You might want to check the full story of our TTC journey. Here's the link.


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