Tadaaan! My New Blog Site. Bow.

I can't still move on after losing my Sony Xperia phone last February 2014. All my accounts in social media and email addresses are connected to that phone number. So whenever I logged in to my accounts and it asked for my phone number to send a verification code, since I don't have the access for such phone number anymore, I can't open them. Ending: new accounts for certain social media such as this. And yeah,  just citing  the reason why I made a new one (I still love to continue writing!). Old blog is still available here however:   http://iameiiwaiieii.blogspot.com/

Writing has been my hobby way back in high school aside from reading and singing. I do admit I'm not that good at this but who cares? I love expressing myself in my own way and that's what makes me unique with the rest, ayt? Articles here are not that fancy, with high faluting words and very creative/artsy so don't expect too much and try to compare with other blogs. I post what I want to post that I want to share with everybody (my blog's definition stated above explained that already I think? Haha.) 

I do not spend too much of my time with this also as I am a full time office worker and part time masteral student. I can only post here whenever I can steal a li'l moment to waste my free time. LOL. Hence, some of my write ups here are catch-up-posts already. 

Well, hoping this blog could be somehow helpful to you in any way. :)




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