CAMBODIA TRIP: Exploring Angkor Archaeological Park

May 2011. From Mochit Terminal Bangkok, Thailand we rode a bus heading to Siem Reap, Cambodia. What I envied with these countries is that they are land-locked. You can just hop off to another country thru bus/car which is much cheaper than airplanes (although not all). I can't totally remember the duration of our trip but I think it was around 5-6 hours. Arriving at the bus stop, we directly headed to their Immigration Office.

The border of Siem Reap.

Cambodian's currency is Riel (KHR) though almost all of the business establishments there accept payments in US Dollars and Thai Baht. That was why we regretted to exchange our dollars and bahts into riels which had already altered the value. We stayed for three days and two nights at Green Park Village Guesthouse for $9 per room with three beds and one bathroom and also a continental breakfast (so cheap, ayt?). But that was not air-conditioned. There will be additional fee for such. Rooms are big enough, with cable television and their bathroom has both shower and bath tub also. Fortunately, the staffs especially the one who assisted us named Somme were so friendly and accommodating. They also had free use of PC with internet. Imagine spending for $9 with those amenities?

By afternoon, we tried touring around in the nearby street markets. We saw different shops offering different services - spa, massage, selling of bags, books, and food.

We discovered that Cambodians love to watch Pinoy movies and teleseryes especially the Marimar version of Marian Rivera!

Tried a local street food - their pancake version with banana and powdered chocolate.

The next day was the main part of our visit to Cambodia - the trip to Angkor Park!

Ticket to Angkor Park
We hired a van (I forgot how much we paid) in going to Angkor Wat. The entrance fee varies on how many days you're going to tour in the place. We chose the one day visit which costs $20. You will be taken with picture for your ticket as a proof that it is yours. You need to secure it always as this will be checked by staffs. 

Angkor Wat is just one of the temples in Angkor Park. Which means, there are lots of temples also including Angkor Thom, Bayon and others located inside a big square-shaped land surrounded with water. It was the center and the capital city of the Khmer Empire way back in 9th and 15th centuries. Just seeing the entrance of the park caused some butterflies in my stomach. There was a mixed feeling of excitement, happiness and amazement. It was just that way back then when I can only see the Angkor Park in books and internet, yet on that time, that precious and memorable time was a lifetime unlocked achievement! :)

The entrance going to main venue - Angkor Wat.

I didn't let it pass to take pictures of every corner. The details carved and shaped in the stoned walls and doors which had stood there for how many years left me in awe. Though some parts of the temples were destroyed due to climate yet the authority tried to restore these. Some parts of the statues  also were already missing (maybe stolen).

One of the infrastructures destroyed by natural factors.
God statue with missing hands.
I've always seen this part in magazines and books.

Bayon Temple and the many faces.

This infrastructure has been believed to be unfinished since this was stricken with lightning while this was still being built. They had a belief before that lightning stricken buildings could bring badluck.

I got a lot of pictures but of course I will not post all of them here. So far, the experience was unforgettable and irreplaceable. Expenses were all worth it! (Which was Php38k plus pocket money of 5k) Why not try to spend your adventure here also and make a distinct experience as if you're travelling back in history! :)




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