How to travel to Japan for FREE?

December 2013. To be chosen as one of the fifteen delegates to represent the Philippine delegation for the JENESYS 2.0: Japan-ASEAN Student Conference was a wonderful blessing for me and somehow a Christmas gift also for myself since I didn’t only attend a conference but also had the chance to visit some historical places, experience the culture in Japan, met new friends and built new connections. It was held last December 7 to 16, 2013 at Japan. This was indeed a rare opportunity for young individuals especially that the event was funded by the Japanese Government. Who would ever thought that I was one among the lucky 180 participants to be part of the remarkable event and met the First Lady Akei Abe of Japan in person. My experience was not just filled with learning but as well as with realizations and understanding.

ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation pin.

Right after our arrival, a very cold climate welcomed us. We thought we were still in an air-conditioned room but only to realize that we were already at the outside of the airport. From 33 degrees Celsius in Philippines down to 10 degrees Celsius in Japan. It was autumn going to winter that time that was why it was so freakin' cold.

Outside the Hotel Narita.

Eventually, we had our Tokyo City Tour wherein we were accompanied by five Japanese youths. Taking the Edo Course, we visited first the Kiyosumi Gardens, the garden of exquisite stones created by three generations of the Iwasaki family way back in Edo period. We also visited the Fukagawa Edo Museum. Aside from the exhibition room which showed certain historical persons, there was also a town miniature wherein we got a chance to see and experienced living inside an Edo-period styled house, streets, stores and fire-watch tower. We headed right away to a Shinto Temple and witnessed how Japanese people conduct their Shinto practices. One of the practices which amazed me was their belief on divination rituals to see their future. Our day ended at the Tokyo Dome Hotel which was surrounded by the Tokyo Dome City Amusement Park.

At the Kiyosumi Gardens of Iwasaki Family from Edo Period.

Fukugawa Edo Museum.

Tokyo Dome Hotel.

Our Education Discussion group headed to Shiga Prefecture via Shinkansen (bullet train) for five hours. Upon arrival in our destination, a Japanese cuisine in a local restaurant welcomed our hungry stomachs for lunch. As all of us were energized already, we walked going to Hikone Castle, a National Treasure and part of World Heritage Site. We had a tea ceremony which has been considered in Japan as a course of hospitality. Right after it, we hiked going to the castle wherein the way was sort of steep. Since the castle was located in highland, we saw the overview of Hikone.  We ended our day with a dinner in Katsu-ya Restaurant.

Shinkansen or bullet train.

Our sumptuous lunch! Nyomyom. :3

Hikone Castle

Matcha (green tea) and rice cake.

We had an institutional visit at the Ryuo Elementary School as in accordance to our Education Discussion Topic. We got a chance to join the students in their classes and witnessed how they implement their education system. By afternoon, we went to Lake Biwa Museum which has been considered as the largest lake in Japan and an important asset in Shiga Prefecture. They displayed the different animal species which can be found in the lake and the life of the people living in the riverside. 

Students at Ryuo Elementary School

At Lake Biwa Museum.

If you think ninjas such as the famous cartoon character Naruto are just fiction characters in animes or movies then you’re wrong. In actual, Ninja dynasty did exist and we got a chance to visit their village. We learned the ninja’s lifestyle, weapons and method of attacking his enemy. 

While teaching us how to throw shuriken (blades).

We had a free time by morning so me and my fellow Filipino delegates decided to go to Shibuya, the busiest part of Japan and one of the busiest streets in the world. It was like the street was never ran out of people even by night. There we found also Hachiko’s statue, a dog who became famous because of his loyalty to his master.

At Shibuya with the statue of Hachiko.

As much as we hate this part yet we need to. After ten days in Japan, we were the first group to leave the hotel which was early in the morning. We didn’t say goodbye to them, just see you next time. Fortunately while on our flight, I had the last view on the Mt. Fuji and the aerial view of Japan.

Mt. Fuji from our plane.

And this is how I traveled to Japan for free! Joining sponsored international conferences is a big help for those who want to learn while at the same time to discover new places without paying for your expenses (especially if you don't have budget. hihi.). Still hoping I could join again from other programs too! :)

Delegates with the ASEAN first ladies and Japan First Lady Akei Abe.


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