Wandering Singapore with Php 10,000 budget

At Suntec City Mall, with Marina Bay Sands as the view.
August 2015. After three days at Kuala Lumpur, our next stop is Singapore! You can travel either by bus or plane but I advise to take the latter instead. Aside from it's time saving (flight is one hour), I know you don't like any hassle in your travel like transferring from one bus to another and stopping over for how many times for immigration checkpoints (travel time is eight hours). Besides, airfare is cheaper also just like via Airasia. Mine is Php 500 only for a one way ticket (KL to SG) while bus would cost around Php 1,500.

Our travel there was in right time with the 50th founding anniversary of Singapore calling the celebration as SG50. Lots of stores and amenities were offering discounts and promos. (Tip: Although visiting places during their local celebration or holidays is quite stressful due to lots of people, it's a big helpful when you want to save with your expenses with their promos. Most of the stores and amenities offer discounts and even free items!) Please be mindful also of the laws existing in Singapore or even in other places that you want to visit if you don't want to end up having a disastrous moment. SG prohibits eating of chewing gum, spitting and throwing of trash anywhere, and a lot more (tha't why they call SG as City of Fines).

While inside the Changi Airport.
Changi Airport at SG is one of the best airports I visited (other one is at HK). It's big, spacious, and clean, and staffs are so friendly and accommodating. Upon arrival at the airport, we bought a Singapore Tourist Pass which can be used as payment for public transportation such as buses and transit (swiping-swiper!). The office is located at the transit station inside the airport. It is highly advisable to use this instead of buying tickets via ticket machine. You can avoid longer queues, you don't need to pay via cash in buses (drivers don't give changes if you don't have exact payment) and it is unlimited! Yes, unlimited for a duration of time depending of what kind of card you purchased. You can choose from one, two or three day-card. Anywhere and anytime, you can swipe that card. Just a reminder: upon riding a bus, make sure to have your entrance at the first door or the door beside the driver then swipe the card at the POS terminal then exit either at the front or back door while swiping again. :)

We arrived at Singapore around after lunch so we still got more time to stroll around the city. And yeah, I got super excited swiping the Tourist Pass. (lol) We stayed in Hotel 101 located at Geylang Road where cheaper hotels can be found. It's a five-minute bus ride from the nearest station.

Together with my officemates slash travel buddies at Hotel 101 in Geylang Road .

We eat our lunch at the Suntec City Mall, few meters away from Marina Bay Sands.

This is like the Magsaysay Park in Davao City, except for the magnificent view. Teehee!

Sunset view at Marina Bay Sands. Singapore - concrete jungles where dreams are made of for OFW's.

The Helix Bridge - connects the way from Raffles Place to Marina Bay Sands.

Marina Bay Sands at night.

We visit the Garden by the Bay - tree-like towers surrounded with colorful lights.

Inside the Garden by the Bay, music is played while synchronized with the lights

We ended our first day with our last stop-over at the Garden by the Bay. We visited four destinations without worrying about our transportation cost (thanks to unlimited swiping!). This made us enjoy more of our trip.

Our second day stay at SG was spent at Universal Studios - Singapore. As in whole day. Yes, whole day because your time will be consumed falling and waiting in line. *sigh Ticket fee was approx. Php2,500.

With the famous Universal Studios logo.

It's a mini city inside the USS park. 

I enjoy looking at this cute Korean family having their photo taken with the popcorn mobile store.

The Ancient Egypt - with giant statues and real palm trees.

You will really having this I-think-I'm-in-Egypt-feeling when you visit here.

Another part in USG - the Jurassic Park.

One of the rides in Jurassic Park. And we waited for an hour just to try this. Geeez.

The kingdom palace in Shrek movie. The childhood fixation inside me is starting to unleash.

Puss in Boots Journey

Madagascar Adventure. We ride in a boat while passing along the Madagascar jungle.

Kaway-kaway sa mga Transformers fans! :)

Feet were so ouchy and stomach was so hungry. After strolling at USS, we had our dinner where my friend working at SG brought us, at hawker's area. It is like Roxas Boulevard in Davao City, streetfoods and refreshments are cheap. Unfortunately, SG is unlike Davao City, you cannot stay late outside since the last trip of trains is 11PM unless you're willing to pay huge amount for taxi.

The third day was spent at Bugis, Orchard Road, Merlion and Clarke Quay (pronounced as Klarkee).

Bugis Street - a tiangge style where you can shop online too! Here you can find cheap pasalubong like chocolates, candies, souvenirs and class A products.

The famous Wheelock Place at Orchard Road. Lovin' the architectural design.

The Merlion Statue with the people enjoying the view.

At Clarke Quay - where people chill and hangout.

I fell in love with SG. The place, discipline of the people, and food made me want to stay here longer or even permanently. No wonder how they became one of the Asia's Tigers. People are benefiting with what they pay. I hope someday my country would also do the same.

So how did I fit my Php10,000 budget in SG?

Flight ticket (Two way:KL-Singapore) 2,000
Singapore Tourist Pass (Transit fare) 660
Universal Studio 2,500
Hotel (3 nights) 1,000
Food 1,000
Extra 2,840
Total 10,000

Don't get scared to pay a visit here because you might think everything is so expensive. But believe me, things here are worth the money. *wink

 ***This is a long overdue post.


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