Discovering the Eden Nature's Park and Resort

December 2014. My December had been filled with adventures. It was just the right moment before I ended up my year 2014. And of course, I would not be leaving the year without discovering the beauty of the well-known Eden Nature's Park and Resort.

It is more convenient to bring a car going up there. But for the commuters, ride a jeepney in Roxas Boulevard going to Ulas and advise the driver to drop you off at Ulas intersection. From there, ride a tricycle or habal-habal going up to the Eden Park which is still few kilometers away from the highway. 

Before it was open to public, Eden Park had been just a hacienda of the Ayala's in Davao. Bamboos and ferns were the original plantations in the 80-hectare land and eventually, other plants were also added such as the Baguio pine trees, mangosteen, marang and many more to improve the site. As of now, only 65 hectares of it are being utilized as a park.They also added the herbs and spices such as basil and oregano; vegetables such as lettuce and flowers such as sunflower and mickey mouse.

Rates 2013
Amenities with rates.

At the front of  Day Tour Center.

For the daytour, they allot schedules per batch and each vehicle has 10-15 persons with a tour guide. The tour would last around 20-30 minutes. It has three stop-overs and each stop-over, visitors are given with 5 minutes to tour around the area and have some picture takings.

First stop-over is the Amphitheater wherein different species of flowers especially the imported ones such as sunflower can bee seen there. It has also a wide amphitheater which can be used also as a venue for gatherings. I was amazed seeing the sunflowers as they were so healthy and big! Well, forgive me as I had not remembered all the names of the flowers there but the garden just looked so beautiful!


The amphitheater.

While going to the next stop-over, we passed by to an area with deers and some plantations. The second stop is the Tinubdan which means 'origin'. It displays the native culture of Lumads in  Mindanao such as the house, herbal medicines and the cultural map of Mindanao. They have also a small presentation there wherein the presenters wearing native costumes would perform a native dance.

The Tinubdan.

A native house - bahay kubo.

The third and last stop is the Lola's Garden. There you will see the vast plantation of vegetables, over-viewing Davao gulf, nipa hut, carabao statue and a wishing well filled with hibiscus flowers.

The Lola's Garden

Plantation and over-viewing Davao gulf at our back.

The wishing well.

While waiting for our lunch, we had some Indiana Jones rides (no fees).

Indiana Jones ride.

We ended our trip with a buffet lunch at their restaurant. From viands to soup to desserts to drinks, everything is unlimited! Just make sure you have paid for it together with the entrance fee ahead of time. :)

- Got a lot of amenities and displays.
- Very friendly and accommodating staffs and tour guides!
- A good place for nature lovers.

- Limited stop-over's (nakakabitin).

No wonder a lot of foreigners and outsiders who visit Davao City would never missed Eden Nature's Park on their lists. They do have rooms and swimming pool too for those who want to have an overnight stay and a function room for seminars and activities. For more inquiries, you can contact them at (082) 296-0791.


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