When pain demands to be felt

If they say love can be the most wonderful feeling in the world, then being heartbroken can be someone's worst nightmare. It is when the whole of you is slowly breaking into pieces while vanishing into the thin streak of air. You're like a shadow lost in the dark. Then suddenly, you forgot that you existed.

Your bed becomes your world and crying becomes your hobby. Suffering is such an understatement to describe your misery. Loneliness is such a cliche. Now you're wondering if how long the recovery stage is.

There goes the calendar to help you mark your moving-in days. Will it take three months? One year? No, it doesn't matter. The healing of your wounded heart is not defined by time but only by you yourself.

It is when you're capable of making the real world as your world. You do things that you love as your hobbies. You find solace in your crowded house with your family members. Happiness and contentment are now your best descriptions.

Because regardless of time, the pain is there. The pain won't go away. It's a matter of acceptance and forgiveness. It simply demands you to feel it. And you get hurt to know that you're alive.*

*My short piece during our department's critic writing.


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