My first big fat positive pregnancy test experience
As I mentioned in my last blog , I want to wait for two weeks before getting a pregnancy test (PT). I've read on online forums that the hCG level after a two-week delay of your menstruation is usually high enough to be detected. From my DH's hometown, we went back to Davao City on December 22 to celebrate our Christmas. The next day, I decided to take a PT. After 30 seconds of checking, I didn't see any second line. I felt so devastated. I cried in our room while DH was soundly sleeping. I'm sad not because it was negative but because I don't have enough days to wait for my menstruation to come. I want to make my leave of absence worth it! 😫 Good thing that DH and I, together with my family, took some fresh air outside the city. 😌 We traveled to Compostella Valley for an overnight adventure. It was a moment to escape from the harsh and sad reality I was dealing with. Thank God I enjoyed that adventure so much. When we arrived back at home on December 23, I rem...