Uncovering Asik-Asik Falls at Alamada, North Cotabato

The Asik-Asik Falls, situated at Sitio Dulao, Upper Dado, Alamada, Cotabato is now one of the tourist spots in Mindanao. The existence of the falls is accidental. Way back then, it was just a huge foresty hill. There was a heavy downpour of rain one time resulting for the overflow of water coming out from the uphill's ground wall which sourced from the river above the hill. Waterways were created after the incident. This made the water to continue to flow creating the curtain-like falls. It is cold and safe to drink. These make Asik-Asik falls an extraordinary one. 

From Midsayap to Alamada
Ride a jeepney or motorcycle (habal-habal) from the terminal going to Upper Dado. Advise the driver to drop you at the motorcycle terminal. From Upper Dado, ride on a heavy duty motorcycle going to Asik-Asik Falls, Sitio Dulao.

From Sitio Dulao to Asik-Asik Falls
There are no any roads going to Asik-Asik Falls which can be passed by motorcycles and vehicles. And yes, even 4x4 vehicles. The are two ways to go there. First is to walk hundreds of steps, back and forth and second is to ride a small horse for P50-100.00/way.

At the entrance where you need to register your name. No entrance fee.

From the entrance, you need to walk a trail before reaching the 500-step stairway.

The 500-step stairway is somehow steep. You need to be very careful.

You will get tired eventually but seeing this scene makes the journey more enjoyable.

Fresh water splashing down the stones.

See how clean it is? And swear, it's also too cold.

Make sure to never miss an opportunity to visit this place when you go to Alamada. The travel might be tiresome but dipping your body on the ranging cold water will take away all your stress. 

Still thinking what to visit next in Alamada? Check this blog for an another adventure!


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