Pick Siya-Siya Peak as your next destination in Alamada!

See Alamada up from the sky and feel the cold breeze at Siya-Siya Peak! Known also as Shrine of the Holy Cross, the peak is a common place to visit every holy week. There is a cross placed at the top-bottom of the peak and just below is an unfinished chapel. It's a good place for those who want adventure and a solace place to meditate.

With a travel time of almost two hours from Barangay Kitacubong, the way to Sitio Siya-Siya, Barangay Bato is a little bit rough. Not all roads are concreted and some are muddy when it rains. Though vehicles can pass along the way, heavy duty motorcycles are better. For security reasons, it is better to travel during dry season.

Going to Sitio Siya-Siya, Barangay Bao

Stairway is available from the foot of the hill.

The trekking starts halfway to the peak.

Some parts of the trail are very steep. Good thing they put railings.

The back view of the peak. Few more "hingal" moments.

The first thing which welcomes you upon arriving at the top.

There you are - Shrine of the Holy Cross.

Alamada it is!

Having this view, the two-hour travel is worth it!

Because posing with just one side of the peak is not enough.

Don't let the opportunity slips to visit this place when you're in Alamada. Make sure to wear safety shoes, pants/leggings, long sleeve, cap/hat and sunscreen lotion for your protection (me got some minor wounds due to sharp edges of plants). 

Still thinking what to visit next in Alamada? Check this blog for an another adventure!


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